SQL Server – Join clause

In this post, we will talk about Join clause in SQL Server. SQL joins are used to query data from two or more tables, based on a relationship between certain columns in those tables.

There are few kinds of join, they are : INER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL JOIN. We will talk about those join respectively.

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Cara test speed VPS Centos


Sore ini saya mau nge-share gmn caranya ngetest speed VPS (Virtual Private Server).  Klo yang belum tau apa itu VPS, bisa di gugling aja, “VPS adalah…”, klik enter trus tunggu ampe bulan depan,  nah munchul dah banyak link yg ngejelasin apa itu VPS.

Saya akan ngetes saya punya VPS IIX yg OS-nya Centos 6. Kita akan pake command SSH untuk melakukan test speed ini. Lanjutkan membaca “Cara test speed VPS Centos”