Agile Planning

How Agile plan the work?

Agile works in iterations tp deliver user stories which already prioritized on the product backlog, based on the team capacity to decide how much scope they have to plan


A Point defines how much a team can commit. A point usually refers to 8 hours. Each story is estimated in points.


Capacity defines how much an individual can commit. Capacity is estimated in hours.


Agile is a software development methodology which use short iteration process (about 1-4 weeks) to get frequent feedback for aligning business requirement changes.

There are roles in Agile :

Scrum Master
Scrum master is the leader and facilitator who ensures/helps agile process can be implemented well.

Functional Responsibilities :

  1. Lead daily stand up meeting
  2. Held problem solving meeting
  3. Review
  4. Arrange demo

Non functional responsibilites :

  1. Cooperates with all roles and functions to make good connection
  2. Solves problem which comes
  3. Tracks progress

Product Owner

Product Owner is the one who drives the product from business prespectives.

The responsibilities are follows:

  1. Define requirement and priorotize it
  2. To determine release date and content
  3. Represent the voice of customer
  4. Define aceptance criteria
  5. Accept user stories that meet requirement of done

Cross Functional Team

This team consist of developers, testers and technical leader